Science Solution
Digi Science is designed for scientists and engineers dealing with CT image processing. This pack is extremely powerful using a multi GPU reconstruction and an unique high resolution real time visualization. Now, you can process full resolution data (up to 100 GB) without resampling, improving comfort and agility.
The Challenge: It is vitally important to be able to access and visualize all image processing libraries
Sometimes, on an upstream project, a specific application needs a high level of flexibility to be able to specify the appropriate filters and functions. This is achieved by data mining of scientific libraries to create your own solution and confront the hypotheses. It is therefore necessary to have the widest possible access to the scientific libraries and the latest developments. It is an indispensable but insufficient condition, the “raw” results from the libraries do not allow interactive 2D or 3D visualization, which severely limits the interest and effectiveness of the method.

The Solution: Having access to the Python scientific community in just a click
The solution to start from a blank page and do it all yourself is no longer a viable option in today’s connected world. Scientific ecosystems not only provide easy-to-use programming languages but in addition, for the less experienced, an almost infinite number of image processing scripts which can be used without any specialist knowledge. Access to Python incontestably offers all of this: total liberty for experienced programmers and, for the others, an already programed brick which will meet there needs. Our solution is designed to harness this tentacular data and be able to run and visualize the results in the Digi Science environment.
The Advantages: The force of a collaborative community combined with the performance of a specialist software application
With Digi PYT you have access to today’s most powerful and simple programming method. And also to an almost unlimited number of programs developed by the world’s largest scientific community. You just have to cut and paste to get them to run. By using the Digi Science, the result of your programming will no longer seem like a series of difficult-to-interpret figures. But like 2D or 3D images which can be manipulated in real time, associated with tables of exploitable data.